The Ultimate Side Hustle Bundle


1000+ Happy Customers

And 200+ Community Members (Fast Growing)

Get The Ultimate Side Hustle Bundle For 97 $5 - Before This Offer Expires

For Aspiring Entrepreneurs - skip years of Research and Guesswork

revealing 10,000 "Work-From-Anywhere" Side Hustles that Work in 2024 to make an extra $500-$2,000 per week

(And How to Use ChatGPT to Build Yours FOR YOU)

all While working just 1-2 hours a day from home, your favorite coffee shop, or even the beach... and Without having to show your face online (perfect for beginners with no time, money or experience)

The 10,000 Side Hustle Bundle is the shortcut to starting your side hustle and generating an extra $500-$2,000+ per week online. consistently. Why? Because you get completely pre-written side hustle ideas that work TODAY in the most profitable niches... all while working just 1-2 hours a day from anywhere!

The best part? All of these pre-written side hustles include "copy-and-paste" prompts to have ChatGPT build yours for you in just seconds.

Now, you can go from idea to making money in just days instead of months or years, making the Side Hustle Bundle the ultimate shortcut to making money online.

Only $97 $5

Save $92 Today!

As part of Our pre-launch promotion to get testimonials; The Ultimate Side Hustle Bundle is being offered for the special price of just $97 $5. Naturally, this offer can't last long. Get Access now while you still can!

.Now Available For Instant Access

The 10,000 Side Hustle Bundle is the shortcut to starting your side hustle and generating an extra $500-$2,000+ per week online.



Because you get completely pre-written side hustle ideas that work TODAY in the most profitable niches... all while working just 1-2 hours a day from anywhere!

The best part? All of these pre-written side hustles include "copy-and-paste" prompts to have ChatGPT build yours for you in just seconds.

Now, you can go from idea to making money in just days instead of months or years, making the Side Hustle Bundle the ultimate shortcut to making money online.

Get The Ultimate Side Hustle Bundle at a Huge Pre-Launch Promo Discount Before This Offer Expires

revealing 10,000 "Work-From-Anywhere" Side Hustles that work in 2024 to make an extra $500-$2,000 per week (and how to use chatGPT to build yours FOR YOU)

all While working just 1-2 hours a day from home, your favorite coffee shop, or even the beach... and Without having to show your face online (perfect for beginners with no time, money or experience)

The 10,000 Side Hustle Bundle is the shortcut to starting your side hustle and generating an extra $500-$2,000+ per week online. consistently. Why? Because you get completely pre-written side hustle ideas that work TODAY in the most profitable niches... all while working just 1-2 hours a day from anywhere!

The best part? All of these pre-written side hustles include "copy-and-paste" prompts to have ChatGPT build yours for you in just seconds. Now, you can go from idea to making money in just days instead of months or years, making the Side Hustle Bundle the ultimate shortcut to making money online.

Only at $97

Get the entire bundle including the 10K side hustle ideas (with implementation prompts), 600+ AI tools list, Fiverr Rolodex, $1200+ software discounts, Community access for just $97. Naturally, this offer can't last long. Get Access now while you still can!

.Now Available For Instant Access

The 10,000 Side Hustle Bundle is the shortcut to starting your side hustle and generating an extra $500-$2,000+ per week online. consistently. Why? Because you get completely pre-written side hustle ideas that work TODAY in the most profitable niches... all while working just 1-2 hours a day from anywhere!

The best part? All of these pre-written side hustles include "copy-and-paste" prompts to have ChatGPT build yours for you in just seconds. Now, you can go from idea to making money in just days instead of months or years, making the Side Hustle Bundle the ultimate shortcut to making money online.

Curious About What You're Getting?

Here's just a mere fraction of everything you'll get inside the ultimate side hustle bundle...


Affiliate Marketing

Side Hustles

Discover lucrative side gigs in the affiliate marketing world. From product review side hustles to product comparison sites.




Side Hustles

Use AI to create income-generating side hustles. From AI-generated content to fully automated AI-powered side hustles.



Digital Product

Side Hustles

Create and sell digital products in over 370 profitable niches that generate income while you sleep. eBooks, courses, and more.




Side Hustles

Tap into the growing demand for small and niche software solutions. These side hustles allow you to earn without coding skills.




Side Hustles

Cash in on the automation trend by offering services like workflow optimization, chatbots, or automation consulting to businesses.



Social Media

Side Hustles

Whether you're into Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, or LinkedIn – we've got side hustle ideas tailored to every platform for you.




Side Hustles

Explore unique opportunities in freelancing and discover high-paying to start a freelance side hustle. From writing to design.




Side Hustles

Support online sellers with product content to listing optimization, these side hustles tap into the booming eCommerce world.




Side Hustles

Discover highly profitable niche consulting opportunities across various industries. From sustainability to remote work consulting.



Online Tutoring

Side Hustles

Tap into innovative and time-efficient ways to educate online. From creating study materials to offering live virtual lab support.



Graphic Design

Side Hustles

Tap into unique design service niches. Offer services like presentation design, infographic creation, or brand guides, and more.




Side Hustles

Cash in on platform economies. From content moderation to community management, these side hustles let you profit in the PaaS world.


and much more!

and much more!

all for just $97 $5 When you get access to the ultimate side hustle bundle today!

all for just $97

When you get access to the ultimate side hustle bundle today!

Plus 3 Bonuses Worth $197.00 When You Get The Side Hustle Bundle TODAY For FREE...

free bonus #1

free bonus #2

free bonus #3

free bonus #1



Tools Swipe File

From content creation to copywriting, and video generators to market research, these tools will give you an edge in any niche.


free bonus #2


Notion Template

Prompt Bundle

Get thousands of Notion template ideas in highly profitable markets that you can build once and sell over and over again.


free bonus #3



Tools Swipe File

From content creation to copywriting, and video generators to market research, these tools will give you an edge in any niche.



Notion Template

Prompt Bundle

Get thousands of Notion template ideas in highly profitable markets that you can build once and sell over and over again.




Fiverr Rolodex

Use our vetted list of top-performing Fiverr freelancers to help you delegate tasks and focus on growing your business.




Fiverr Rolodex

Use our vetted list of top-performing Fiverr freelancers to help you delegate tasks and focus on growing your business.


Plus Free Bonuses When You Get The Side Hustle Bundle TODAY ...

free bonus #1

free bonus #2

free bonus #3

free bonus #1



Tools Swipe File

From content creation to copywriting, and video generators to market research, these tools will give you an edge in any niche.




Tools Swipe File

From content creation to copywriting, and video generators to market research, these tools will give you an edge in any niche.



Notion Template

Prompt Bundle

Get thousands of Notion template ideas in highly profitable markets that you can build once and sell over and over again.




Fiverr Rolodex

Use our vetted list of top-performing Fiverr freelancers to help you delegate tasks and focus on growing your business.


free bonus #4

free bonus #5

$1200+ Annual Savings

Software Discounts

Savings Hub

Use our partnership deals to save up to $1270 in software subscription costs on apps such as Canva, Adobe (all apps), Grammarly and Linkedin Sales Navigator



Community Access

Community Hub

Get your questions answered with weekly Q&A calls + connect get accountability through fellow people.
Included (before it becomes a paid monthly service)


free bonus #2


Notion Template

Prompt Bundle

Get thousands of Notion template ideas in highly profitable markets that you can build once and sell over and over again.


free bonus #3



Fiverr Rolodex

Use our vetted list of top-performing Fiverr freelancers to help you delegate tasks and focus on growing your business.


free bonus #4


Software Discounts

Savings Hub

Use our partnership deals to save up to $1270 in software subscription costs on apps such as Canva, Adobe (all apps), Grammarly and Linkedin Sales Navigator


free bonus #5

Community Access

Get your questions answered with weekly Q&A calls + connect get accountability through fellow people committed to turn their knowledge and experience into an income generating side hustle.

Included (before it becomes a paid monthly service)


how easy it is...

Step 1: Niche Bulls Eye

Total time: 10 minutes

Find your entrepreneurial sweet spot: No need to come up with ideas

We show you how to pick an idea that matches your skills, experiences, and passions with market demands to identify your most profitable side hustle in under 10 minutes.

Step 2: Implementation Plan

Total Time: 1 minute

Build your success roadmap: Get a detailed step by step plan showing you how to execute

Pick your side hustle prompt (we provide) and "copy and paste" it to ChatGPT. This will generate a clear roadmap for you in seconds, so you're crystal clear on what to do next. No more guesswork.

Step 3: Precision Launch

Total time: 1 to 4 Weeks

Launch confidently. Don't waste another year paralyzed with indecision

Follow the detailed step by step plan and resources to launch your side hustle and start generating extra income online within days (instead of months)!


Get instant access to the Ultimate Side Hustle Bundle


Pick your side hustle and "copy-paste" it to ChatGPT


Follow steps to launch and start generating an extra income online!

The "Lazy Way" To An Extra $500-$2,000 Per Week... With Only 1-2 Hours of "Work" Per Day... From Literally Anywhere

Remember when you thought growing up meant freedom?

Funny how that turned out, huh?

There you are at 9 pm on a Friday, spreadsheets burning your retinas.

You do a quick scroll through Instagram.

It's another 20-something-year-old living it up in Miami, Dubai... you name it.


You force a weak "like" and toss your phone aside. Back to the grind.

But wait. What's that feeling in your gut?

It's not the desk lunch you scarfed down earlier. It's something deeper.

A gnawing ache that whispers: "Is this really all there is?"

I get it. I've been there. Overworked. Underpaid.

Dreaming of a life beyond the social norms.

Then I discovered something that changed everything.

No, I'm not talking about:

  • Gambling your life savings on crypto

  • Becoming some cringe-worthy "hustle bro"

  • Sacrificing sleep (or sanity) for a "side gig"

  • Or worse–going back to school (ugh)

None of that.

I'm talking about something so simple, it might just blow your mind If You Read on!

Picture this...

It's another Monday morning.

But instead of that familiar dread, you feel... excited?

You stretch, grab your coffee, and casually check your phone.

Holy smokes – another $200 rolled in while you slept!

You grin, knowing your "work" for the day will take all of 90 minutes.

From your favorite beachside café. Or maybe your couch.

The best part? Nobody even knows it's you making this happen.

No awkward Facebook Lives. No cringey TikTok dances.

Sounds too good to be true, right?

I get the skepticism. I really do.

But stick with me, because this is about to get interesting.

What if you had access to not just one, not ten, not even one hundred...

...but TEN THOUSAND proven ways to make serious $$$ online?

We're talking real, actionable side hustles.

The kind that are working RIGHT NOW in 2024's digital gold rush.

Intriguing, sure. But here's where it gets wild:

You don't even have to come up with the ideas yourself.

Each of these 10,000 side hustles comes with pre-written prompts designed to have ChatGPT build your entire business FOR YOU in just seconds.

No Tech Skills Required. No Guru Courses to Slog Through. Just Copy, Paste, Implement and Watch Your Bank Account Grow.

"But if it's so simple, won't the market get flooded?"

Smart question. Here's the kicker:

We're in a brief window of opportunity. ChatGPT is still new enough that 99% of people are still using it to write emails or solve math homework.

They have no clue how to leverage it for serious income.

This bundle hands you the keys to success before the masses catch on.

But this opportunity has an expiration date.

That's why I'm making this absolutely bonkers, insanely limited-time offer.

The ENTIRE Side Hustle Bundle for just $97 $5 today.

Nope, that's not a typo.

Five bucks and change. Less than your last fancy latte.

Why so cheap?

I'm not after a quick buck. I want success stories.

Your success is worth way more to me than a few bucks.

But don't get too comfortable. This price is a pre-launch special.

It's going up – way up – faster than you can say "I quit this job!"

So let me ask you this:

What's true freedom worth to you?

How much would you pay to never stress about bills again?

What would it mean to work when you want, where you want, how you want?

For less than the price of a McDonald's Happy Meal (I think...)

You could have all of that. And then some.

The Choice is Yours... (But the Clock is Ticking!)

Watch another year slip by as your dreams collect dust in the corner...

OR take a tiny risk on a resource that's already changing lives.

(Seriously, it's less than you spent on coffee today!)

Remember... This offer expires soon. The price increases.

Seize control of your destiny. Claim the life you deserve.

Get instant access to the Ultimate Side Hustle Bundle now for just $5!

Future You is giving Past You a standing ovation right now.

Let me leave you with this...

If just one of these side hustles pans out, you'll make your investment back thousands – if not hundreds of thousands – of times over.

See you at the top,


Only $97 $5

Save $92 Today!

As part of Our pre-launch promotion to get testimonials; The Ultimate Side Hustle Bundle is being offered for the special price of just $97 $5. Naturally, this offer can't last long. Get Access now while you still can!

.Now Available For Instant Access

The "Lazy Way" To An Extra $500-$2,000 Per Week... With Only 1-2 Hours of "Work" Per Day... From Literally Anywhere

Remember when you thought growing up meant freedom?

Funny how that turned out, huh?

There you are at 9 pm on a Friday, spreadsheets burning your retinas.

You do a quick scroll through Instagram.

It's another 20-something-year-old living it up in Miami, Dubai... you name it.


You force a weak "like" and toss your phone aside. Back to the grind.

But wait. What's that feeling in your gut?

It's not the desk lunch you scarfed down earlier. It's something deeper.

A gnawing ache that whispers: "Is this really all there is?"

I get it. I've been there. Overworked. Underpaid.

Dreaming of a life beyond the social norms.

Then I discovered something that changed everything.

No, I'm not talking about:

  • Gambling your life savings on crypto

  • Becoming some cringe-worthy "hustle bro"

  • Sacrificing sleep (or sanity) for a "side gig"

  • Or worse–going back to school (ugh)

None of that.

I'm talking about something so simple, it might just blow your mind If You Read on!

Picture this...

It's another Monday morning.

But instead of that familiar dread, you feel... excited?

You stretch, grab your coffee, and casually check your phone.

Holy smokes – another $200 rolled in while you slept!

You grin, knowing your "work" for the day will take all of 90 minutes.

From your favorite beachside café. Or maybe your couch.

The best part? Nobody even knows it's you making this happen.

No awkward Facebook Lives. No cringey TikTok dances.

Sounds too good to be true, right?

I get the skepticism. I really do.

But stick with me, because this is about to get interesting.

What if you had access to not just one, not ten, not even one hundred...

...but TEN THOUSAND proven ways to make serious $$$ online?

We're talking real, actionable side hustles.

The kind that are working RIGHT NOW in 2024's digital gold rush.

Intriguing, sure. But here's where it gets wild:

You don't even have to come up with the ideas yourself.

Each of these 10,000 side hustles comes with pre-written prompts designed to have ChatGPT build your entire business FOR YOU in just seconds.

No Tech Skills Required. No Guru Courses to Slog Through. Just Copy, Paste, Implement and Watch Your Bank Account Grow.

"But if it's so simple, won't the market get flooded?"

Smart question. Here's the kicker:

We're in a brief window of opportunity. ChatGPT is still new enough that 99% of people are still using it to write emails or solve math homework.

They have no clue how to leverage it for serious income.

This bundle hands you the keys to success before the masses catch on.

But this opportunity has an expiration date.

That's why I'm making this absolutely bonkers, insanely limited-time offer.

The ENTIRE Side Hustle Bundle for just $97 today.

Nope, that's not a typo.

Five bucks and change. Less than your last fancy latte.

Why so cheap?

I'm not after a quick buck. I want success stories.

Your success is worth way more to me than a few bucks.

But don't get too comfortable. This price is a pre-launch special.

It's going up – way up – faster than you can say "I quit this job!"

So let me ask you this:

What's true freedom worth to you?

How much would you pay to never stress about bills again?

What would it mean to work when you want, where you want, how you want?

For less than the price of a McDonald's Happy Meal (I think...)

You could have all of that. And then some.

The Choice is Yours... (But the Clock is Ticking!)

Watch another year slip by as your dreams collect dust in the corner...

OR take a tiny risk on a resource that's already changing lives.

(Seriously, it's less than you spent on coffee today!)

Seize control of your destiny. Claim the life you deserve.

Get instant access to the Ultimate Side Hustle Bundle now for just $97!

Future You is giving Past You a standing ovation right now.

Let me leave you with this...

If just one of these side hustles pans out, you'll make your investment back thousands – if not hundreds of thousands – of times over.

See you at the top,


Only $97.00

As part of Our pre-launch promotion to get testimonials; The Ultimate Side Hustle Bundle is being offered for the special price of just $97. Naturally, this offer can't last long. Get Access now while you still can!

.Now Available For Instant Access

What Others Are Saying...

"Made back the cost 10x in my first week!"

I figured, what the heck, it's only a few bucks. Turns out, it's really useful! I used one of the prompts to start a small proofreading gig, and I made back the cost of the bundle 10x in my first week. Not gonna make me a millionaire, but it's a solid start.

Greg S

$200-$300 extra a week online tutoring!

Thank you! You gave me a ton of ideas I never considered before. As a teacher I used one of the tutoring ideas to start offering online math help. It's bringing in about $200-$300 extra a week which is making a real difference for my family. Very grateful!

Chloe D

"Definitely helping with the bills!"

The ideas are practical and the AI tools are super helpful. I'm using them to help with my Etsy shop and my sales picked up. It's not life-changing money yet, but it's growing and definitely helping with the bills. Every little bit helps, you know?

Aisha A

The Fiverr list alone saved me hours!"

The Fiverr list alone saved me hours. My side gig is growing faster than I expected. It's not paying all the bills yet but it's gettin there.

Thanks Liam and the Swipe team!

Mateo V

Here's A Quick summary Of everything You’re Getting For Just $97 $5 Today

(Pre Launch Promo Discount) Prices will Increase Without Prior Notice

The Ultimate Side Hustle Bundle

  • 10,000 Side Hustles – 2024

  • ChatGPT Side Hustle Prompts

  • 10,000 Notion Template Bundle

  • Fiverr Outsourcing Rolodex

  • 600 AI Tools Swipe File

  • Multiple software discounts

  • Community access (soon to turn into paid)

Here's A Quick summary Of everything You’re Getting For Just $97 Today

(Pre Launch Promo Discount) Prices will Increase Without Prior Notice

The Ultimate Side Hustle Bundle

  • 10,000 Side Hustles – 2024

  • ChatGPT Side Hustle Prompts

  • 10,000 Notion Template Bundle

  • Fiverr Outsourcing Rolodex

  • 600 AI Tools Swipe File

  • Multiple software discounts

  • Community access (soon to turn into paid)


How is this different from other side hustles I've tried?

Unlike generic advice, the Ultimate Side Hustle Bundle provides 10,000 pre-written, proven ideas tailored for today's digital landscape.

Plus we give you a suite of AI tools to build your business for you. And in case you're lacking any technical skills, there's also a rolodex of affordable professionals on Fiverr who can help you make your dream a reality.

Slashing your learning curve and time investment while removing all excuses.

What if I'm not satisfied? Is there a refund policy?

We're offering a lifetime money back guarantee. And you can keep the product even after. We've put a lot of work in creating this. All we ask in return is for you to give us very clear feedback as to why you want a refund. All you'll need to do is to fill out a short form so we can improve the product and we'll give you the refund immediately.

Can I really use ChatGPT to build a side hustle?

Absolutely. Our bundle includes "copy-and-paste" prompts designed for ChatGPT. You don't need to be tech-savvy - if you can copy and paste, you can leverage AI to build your side hustle.

How much time do I need to dedicate to make this work?

Just 1-2 hours a day. Our system is designed for busy people like you. By leveraging AI and our pre-written ideas, you'll achieve in hours what used to take weeks or months.

An extra $500 per week extra sounds great. Is this realistic?

While results vary, many of our members achieve this range. Remember, you're not starting from scratch - you're tapping into 10,000 proven ideas and using AI to accelerate your progress.

I wasted money on side hustles before. How is this different?

This isn't about getting rich quick - it's about building sustainable side income using cutting-edge tools and proven strategies. We provide real, actionable blueprints, not vague promises.

Do I need any special skills or expertise to make this work?

No special skills are required. Our system is designed for beginners.

The combination of pre-written ideas and AI assistance levels the playing field, allowing anyone to succeed regardless of background.

How quickly can I expect to see results?

While everyone's journey is unique, many members start seeing income within days or weeks, not months or years. The key is to choose an idea and take action (and use our AI-powered system for faster progress).

Are these side hustles legal and ethical?

Absolutely. We've carefully curated 10,000 legitimate, ethical side hustle ideas. No grey areas, no sketchy tactics - just solid, respectable ways to earn extra income online.

Why is this bundle so cheap? What's the catch?

There's no catch. We're offering this low price as part of our pre-launch promotion to gather success stories. It's a limited-time opportunity to get in early before the price increases significantly.

© 2024 Swipe My Winners. All Rights Reserved.

© 2024 Swipe My Winners. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: All prices are in USD. This offer DOES NOT include any Resell Rights, Private Label Rights, or Giveaway Rights. This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. Results are not typical. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your work ethic. All business entails risk as well as taking regular and consistent effort and action.